10 Things You Can Do To Raise a Moral Child - Independent Human Rights Defender, Bangladesh


Sunday, December 10, 2023

10 Things You Can Do To Raise a Moral Child


10 Things You Can Do To Raise a Moral Child

Here are steps to take to rearing a good person.

If you want your children to be smart, you probably keep after them to do their school work. If you want them to be successful athletes, you make sure they go to practice. If you want them to be musicians, you probably encourage them to do their scales. Homework, practice, doing the basics—you know what needs to be done to help them on their way to success.

You do this because you have a goal in mind and you take the steps you think are reasonable to get there.

Even if you’d like health, success and wealth for your child, I’m assuming that you also want them to have achieved it fairly and without hurting others in the process. I’m guessing that you, too, find it inspiring that a homeless man who recently found $17,000, turned it over the homeless shelter that often took care of him.

Some might think he was stupid and should have taken the money and run. Many do think that kindness and fairness belong to fools. But most realise that the world would be a far better place if we all lived surrounded by those who treat us squarely and are considerate. The background upon which a good society rests is fairness and compassion.

Most of the time, the goal of raising a moral child is taken for granted and, therefore, often neglected. What do to come to the forefront when something goes wrong—the child gets caught cheating, lying or stealing, or perhaps they’ve become a little bully.

Just as there are things you can do to help your child to be a better athlete, musician or scholar, there are things you can do to raise a moral child.

Over the next several submissions, I will discuss 10 things that you can do to raise a moral child. The steps are listed here.

1. Live your life the way you want your child to live theirs.

2. Set consistent standards of right and wrong.

3. Affirm your child’s good action

4. Give your child the reasons behind the rules.

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5. Draw your child’s attention to people’s feelings

6. Talk to your child about the importance of being kind.

7. Show your disapproval of unacceptable behaviour.

8. Build your child’s confidence to make good decisions.

9. Stress fairness in games.

10. Show admiration for moral heroes and moral achievement.

Endless gratified thanks for reading / watching /listening

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