Proposal for Enhancing Communication Skills Among Bangladeshi Skilled Labor Force for Maximizing Foreign Remittances. - Independent Human Rights Defender, Bangladesh


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Proposal for Enhancing Communication Skills Among Bangladeshi Skilled Labor Force for Maximizing Foreign Remittances.

Proposal for Enhancing Communication Skills Among Bangladeshi Skilled Labor Force for Maximizing Foreign Remittances.



In recognition of the paramount importance of bolstering the communication skills of the Bangladeshi skilled labour force to optimize their capacity to earn foreign remittances, the Government of Bangladesh, in synergy with the Bangladesh Army, is poised to undertake a transformative initiative. Effective communication stands as the bedrock upon which Bangladeshi workers can thrive in international labour markets, thereby fortifying our nation's economy. It is with great honour that I present this proposal, delineating strategies and activities aimed at enriching the communication skills of our skilled labour force under the auspices of the Bangladesh Army.


a. To elevate language proficiency, particularly in English, among Bangladeshi skilled labourers.

b. b. To cultivate cultural sensitivity and adeptness in cross-cultural communication.

c.  To nurture soft skills essential for effective workplace communication.

d. To impart training on communication technologies and tools.

e. To facilitate continuous learning and peer support for the ongoing development of communication skills.

Strategies and Activities:

1. Language Training Programs: Deploy comprehensive language training initiatives meticulously tailored to augment English language proficiency encompassing speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills. These bespoke programs will be tailored to cater to the distinct needs of diverse industries and job roles.

2. Cultural Sensitivity Training: Host workshops and seminars elucidating cultural norms, etiquette, and communication protocols prevalent in countries where Bangladeshi workers aspire to seek employment. Emphasis will be placed on fostering a nuanced understanding of cultural subtleties to facilitate seamless communication and rapport-building.

3. Soft Skills Development: Conduct immersive workshops and courses designed to hone soft skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, time management, and customer service. These competencies are pivotal for fostering harmonious relationships with colleagues and clients on a global scale.

4. Technology Training: Deliver training modules elucidating the proficient utilization of communication technologies such as email, video conferencing, and messaging applications. Workers will be adeptly equipped to harness these tools for remote communication and collaboration with overseas employers and clientele.

5. Role-playing and Simulation Exercises: Organize dynamic role-playing exercises and simulations meticulously crafted to emulate real-world communication scenarios inherent in international workplaces. This experiential learning approach will bolster workers' confidence and proficiency across diverse communication contexts.

6. Cross-Cultural Exchanges: Facilitate immersive opportunities for Bangladeshi workers to engage with individuals hailing from diverse cultural milieus through meticulously curated cultural exchange programs, international conferences, and networking endeavors. These enriching experiences will broaden horizons and fortify cross-cultural communication prowess.

7. Continuous Learning Opportunities: Afford unrestricted access to a panoply of online courses, webinars, and educational resources expressly curated to foster continuous skill refinement. Incentive mechanisms will be deployed to galvanize workers' engagement in perpetual learning and self-improvement.

8. Peer Support and Mentorship: Establish robust peer support networks and mentorship frameworks wherein seasoned veterans can impart invaluable insights and guidance to neophytes. These initiatives will foster a nurturing ecosystem conducive to communication skills development and professional advancement.

Implementation Plan:

1. Formation of Project Management Team: Assemble a multidisciplinary project management cohort comprising representatives from government agencies, the Bangladesh Army, and pertinent stakeholders.

2. Curriculum Development: Pioneering the curation of meticulously crafted training modules and materials meticulously calibrated to each facet of the communication skills enhancement program.

3. Infrastructure and Resource Procurement: Procure state-of-the-art training venues and facilities conducive to the delivery of workshops, seminars, and hands-on exercises.

4. Trainer Recruitment: Enlist a cadre of erudite trainers and facilitators endowed with expertise in language pedagogy, cross-cultural communication, and soft skills development.

5. Pilot Program Initiation: Inaugurate a pilot program to gauge the efficacy of proposed strategies and solicit feedback for iterative refinement.

6. Full-Scale Program Rollout: Launch a comprehensive rollout of the communication skills enhancement program targeting a diverse array of industries and occupational spheres.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Implement a rigorous regimen of ongoing monitoring and evaluation to track programmatic progress and effectuate continuous enhancements grounded in empirical data and stakeholder input.


The budgetary allocation for the proposed program will encompass expenditure categories encompassing trainer remuneration, curriculum development, training materials procurement, venue logistics, transportation logistics, and administrative overheads. A meticulously itemized budget proposal will be meticulously prepared predicated upon the overarching scope and scale of the program.


In earnest anticipation of your esteemed support and collaboration, the Government of Bangladesh, in partnership with the esteemed Bangladesh Army, endeavours to equip the Bangladeshi skilled labour force with the requisite communication skills required to flourish in international job markets and maximize their earnings through foreign remittances. This noble initiative not only augurs well for individual workers but also heralds a promising stride towards overcoming the forex crisis while fostering sustainable economic growth and development across our beloved nation.

With utmost respect and profound gratitude,



Minhaz Samad Chowdhury

Executant: Center for BANGLADESH DIGITAL SERVICES (BDS). Email:

BDS International E-Service Center, 58 A-Block, Main Road, Shahjalal Upashahar, Sylhet-3100.

Endless gratified thanks for reading / watching /listening

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